Tuesday 7 June 2011

A quick experiment, plus some useful videos

Right then - I'm interested to see if I can send Word documents, so that I can send out everything that we have done in class. So - I've uploaded a Word document to Googledocs, that you should be able to access here. If you manage to open it, view what is there, then email me (on my school account, not my Gmail one) to tell me what is there, then you win a prize. If you email me first, then I'm offering a whole academic year where you don't have to give anything out, or collect anything in. Honestly. If you somehow mange to get me confirmation that at least one of you folks has seen this, then you win an even better prize, which consists of nominating your mate to give stuff out, and collect it in, every lesson, until the end of year 11. Again, this is all true.

Hilarity aside, you should be able to view the three videos that we looked at in class, all about the social and historical context of Lord of the Flies.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

I recommend having a look at these at least once before your controlled assessment, as social and historical context will form a big part of this.

Any problems / queries / large cheques etc, then leave a comment, or email me direct.

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