Tuesday 14 June 2011

Just some more controlled assessment stuff, really

Right then - this post is so everyone and their parents know what is happening over the next couple of lessons. The controlled assessment lasts for four hours in total, and will be completed over the next six lessons:

Thursday 16th June periods 1&4
Monday 20th June period 2
Tuesday 21st June period 1
Thursday 23rd June periods 1&4

If you miss a couple of lessons and don't complete your essay in the time allowed, then there's no need to worry - simply arrange a time to complete it after school with me. I'll be keeping a record of everybody's minutes so I'll always know exactly how long you've got left.

Your homework over the weekend will be to continue to prepare for the controlled assessment. I know a lot of you are looking to complete sections one and two this week, so you should be looking at sections three and four in rough at home.

Finally, if you click here you can find the sheet that we completed in class that explores the structure of the chapter 'Beast from Water'.

If there are any problems, drop me a line and I'll sort it out.

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