Tuesday 14 June 2011

Just some more controlled assessment stuff, really

Right then - this post is so everyone and their parents know what is happening over the next couple of lessons. The controlled assessment lasts for four hours in total, and will be completed over the next six lessons:

Thursday 16th June periods 1&4
Monday 20th June period 2
Tuesday 21st June period 1
Thursday 23rd June periods 1&4

If you miss a couple of lessons and don't complete your essay in the time allowed, then there's no need to worry - simply arrange a time to complete it after school with me. I'll be keeping a record of everybody's minutes so I'll always know exactly how long you've got left.

Your homework over the weekend will be to continue to prepare for the controlled assessment. I know a lot of you are looking to complete sections one and two this week, so you should be looking at sections three and four in rough at home.

Finally, if you click here you can find the sheet that we completed in class that explores the structure of the chapter 'Beast from Water'.

If there are any problems, drop me a line and I'll sort it out.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Historical context, essay guidance - it's all kicking off now...

Right then kids - now I've figured out this uploading documents business, it's time for work!
First of all, you can complete your homework, which you can find by clicking here. All the instructions are on it, and shouldn't cause too many problems. It'll be due in for Monday 13th June.

Secondly, I've finished the controlled assessment guidance that you can find by clicking here. At the top of each slide, it says the things that the exam board will be looking for, and then in the boxes I've written the things you will have to write about in order to get them done. You'll have seen this in class all day, but it's so easy to share with you I thought I'd post it.

Thirdly, you can find a blank copy of your planning sheet by clicking here. I'll give these out in class, but I know some people want to start again at home sometimes, so here it is.

Finally - George wins a year of not giving any books out, although the best prize of all is still unclaimed...

Tuesday 7 June 2011

A quick experiment, plus some useful videos

Right then - I'm interested to see if I can send Word documents, so that I can send out everything that we have done in class. So - I've uploaded a Word document to Googledocs, that you should be able to access here. If you manage to open it, view what is there, then email me (on my school account, not my Gmail one) to tell me what is there, then you win a prize. If you email me first, then I'm offering a whole academic year where you don't have to give anything out, or collect anything in. Honestly. If you somehow mange to get me confirmation that at least one of you folks has seen this, then you win an even better prize, which consists of nominating your mate to give stuff out, and collect it in, every lesson, until the end of year 11. Again, this is all true.

Hilarity aside, you should be able to view the three videos that we looked at in class, all about the social and historical context of Lord of the Flies.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

I recommend having a look at these at least once before your controlled assessment, as social and historical context will form a big part of this.

Any problems / queries / large cheques etc, then leave a comment, or email me direct.

Monday 6 June 2011

Morning, kids

Morning kids - welcome to my first ever posting. I'm well aware that you have a mighty huge essay coming up soon, so I thought I'd help you out with a few useful links. So, to kick us off, here is the mighty useful novelguide site that has buckets of useful stuff in it, and it might be worthwhile checking out these other useful sites here and here. I know some of you found some other useful ones, so feel free to add them to the comments at the bottom.

  Also, if you are desperate to revisit a badly recorded, poorly acted piece of nonsense that at best looks a bit like the novel, then you can start to here, although I'd really recommend reading the book instead.