Tuesday 18 February 2014

Curley's wife

If you need the link for the questions I have set - you can find them here. I'm doing this on my computer (not my work one), so if anyone wants to post the helpful links in the comments below then you'll win all sorts of prizes. (By all sorts of prizes I mean anything I can pinch off McDermott's desk). Any probs - let me know via email; because I'm a friendless loser they come through to my phone, so you'll often get a response quicker than you think. In other news, Pickin and Lawrence win the Y1 speed awards, with some frankly spiffing answers from the pair of them. Finally, have a picture of my dog reading a book. You're welcome.

1 comment:

  1. None? Pfffft. Guess I'll have to help myself to McDermott's staplers and highlighters. In other news, you might want to look at this http://www.humanities360.com/index.php/is-curleys-wife-just-as-damaged-as-the-other-characters-of-of-mice-and-men-9062/
