Friday 27 January 2012

A Level?

If you are thinking about A level language for next year, and you've got a few spare minutes kicking about now you have finished your exams, then you might want to check out this book - David Crystal's 'A Little Book of Language', and it's in the library (I've also got my own copy if anyone wants to borrow it). It's written by David Crystal, who is really famous in English language circles, and it is really, really easy to understand.

It gives an introduction into nearly all of the topics that you'll study at AS (such as how people use language when they use technology, how men and women use language differently, how people use language to show they are in charge, or to exclude people from a particular group.... I could go on, but you get the picture).

I don't want to go on, lest I bore you, but trust me - if you want a flavour of what A level language looks like, then check it out.

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