Tuesday 20 March 2012

It's been a while...

Hmmm, can we see oppositional structure here?
I'm sorry - you've probably been crying every night, pawing at your screens, saying "Why? WHYYYYY hasn't he updated? WHHHHYYYYYYYY?", and then going back to your lolcats or Beyblades, or whatever you youngsters do for fun.
Anyways, expect to see a good few updates before the year is out, starting with this one, that includes your homework!

So, in the English workroom (cue lightning flashes, thunderclaps, howling wolves etc) we decided that one of the things we should make you explicitly aware of is the number of terms that we expect our C and above candidates to use. To this end, we jotted down a list of terms that we reckon you should be aware of, and ideally be able to use in your Eng Lit exam. You can find that beast here. So, what we want you to do is to pick ten - any ten at all. Find out what they mean, and then, think about how they might be related to any of the texts that we have studied so far (treat each poem as an individual text). After that, try to write a sentence about a text that includes the definition that you have been studying. If you want, you can fill in this form here (make sure you download it locally to your machine first, mind - File-Download, or just press Ctrl+S).  I'd also like you to get your two best examples, and include them on this open edit document. (Although it looks the same, you should find you can edit and change this one. Don't worry if your term has already been done; the more examples the better!)

Any problems, then drop me a line or come and see me. This is due in Monday 26th, but if you email me at 11pm on Sunday night then you might be out of luck...