Tuesday 25 October 2011

Non fiction glossary

Here is the survey about the non fiction glossary I gave you - fill this beast in here. The more of you do it, then the more I'll know about what to go over in class.

By the way, if you've left the guidance sheet in school, or lost it (grrrrr!) then you can find a replacement here.

GCSE English Language guidance

If the combined thrills/spills/chills of Youface and Mytube aren't taking up enough of your half term, than I humbly suggest you give up half an hour and check out this guide to non fiction and media texts, straight from the Englishbiz website (the link is on the right). Long story short - this Steve Campsall guy really knows his onions (any of you picking Language next year will see a lot more of him), and having a look over it now won't do you any harm at all before we start the non fiction unit. Get involved!

Coursework Info

Having recently collected in the film review, I'm now within spitting distance of having a completed marksheet for all your coursework. I've been aware for ages that parents like to know how their kids are going on, so I've been thinking of posting it up here. Before anyone freaks out, I'll replace your names with random numbers (which I'll give to you individually) so nobody can find out marks that aren't theirs. If anyone isn't happy about this (and that includes parents), let me know. Questions, comments, Bell & Ross watches to the usual, please!


Just a quick note for you and your parents - the GCSE English Language is on the 10th January 2012, starting at 9am.

Thursday 6 October 2011


Right then folks - your final bit of coursework will be to complete a film review of 'To Kill A Mockingbird'. In order for us to do this, you'll need to have a really good knowledge of how film reviews work.

So, to start with, you'll need to find a bunch of film reviews (round about three will be enough), ideally on the same film. So, you can go to dedicated film review sites like www.rottentomatoes.com, or general review sites like www.metacritic.com. These are blocked by school though, so look at other sites, such as www.empireonline.com, or even newspaper sites (although tabloid reviews will be a little short and simple for our purposes, although it won't hurt to look at them). Create a special folder in your English folder, and save a bunch of reviews there. When you come to  me on Monday, I'll want you to have printed at least two - but feel free to work with your mate(s).

If you get fed up with this, and fancy something different, then I'd like the old favourite - a graph! Venn diagram, line graph, you name it - I need a load to redo the display in my room, and you pack of monkeys are going to help. If you find Excel a little rough going, then you might want to check out some of these sites you can find out here. Some sort of immunity badge will be the prize for the best one, although you don't have to do this for your homework; your homework is to bring me some reviews on Monday.

Any problems / questions / Patek Philippe watches - send them to the usual address