Thursday 7 July 2011

Jobs for the Summer - get 'em while they're hot and fresh!

Here you go kids - a load of stuff for you to finish over the holidays; I know it's a bit of a hassle, but them As and Bs don't come for free... in any case, I reckon you'd only spend your hols on the YouFace or Mytube, and swapping Pokemon cards and Pogs and the like, so I'm probably doing you a favour.
First of all, read To Kill a Mockingbird. Start to finish, all 31 chapters. No moaning, no skipping chapters, no buying York notes and reading the summary. I'll have a trawl round the tinterweb and post a load of useful links, but in the meantime, get reading (especially in Maths).
Secondly, you'll need to complete the study pack as a group. You should have divided up the tasks between you  in your groups, so you should have around 6 tasks each over the summer. It's worthwhile completing this properly, as you'll be letting your group down if you leave it till the last minute and rush it. Molly, Bonita, Jack, Connor and Lorna are all in a group (as you weren't in today), so come and see me and I'll give you the chapters that you have to complete.
In other jobs, I also want you to watch the videos about the social and historical context of the novel - you can find these here, here and here. You should do this sooner rather than later, so definitely by the time you come back from work experience.
I reckon that's enough for now, although I'll also be posting a few jobs to do with Tsotsi and the film review that you'll have to write for me soon enough, although we won't be writing it until September.

Any problems / queries / free tickets to Leicester Tigers, let me know, or get your folks to email.